Daily Grace - June 1, 2023

daily devotion Jun 01, 2023

In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, which he lavished upon us. (Eph. 1:7-8)

God forgives us for our trespasses by the blood of his Son. This great provision is a very precious truth to remember when we sense the magnitude of our sin. But we may miss some of the beauty of the concept by missing all the aspects of grace implicit in the Apostle Paul’s terms. 

In modern speech, we trespass when crossing into forbidden territory or onto someone else’s property. That meaning is certainly included in the apostle’s thought. But the biblical language means something more specific – the notion of going outside a safe boundary

This makes sense when we understand that God’s law marks the boundaries that God’s heart has marked for our safekeeping. His forgiveness of our trespasses focuses on extending mercy to those who have wandered outside God’s loving protection.

Grace is on both sides of the fence of God’s law. Grace lays the fence for us to stay within God’s safekeeping, and grace extends beyond the fence for those who go outside God’s boundaries.  

Jesus’ blood does not only pay for our transgression of God’s law, but also for our trespassing of his love. This means God’s mercy is available not only for those who break his law, but for those who break his heart. 

His grace is good enough for those who stay inside the fence of his care and great enough for those who have gone beyond it.


Prayer: Lord, help me to trust the caring heart that provided the safety of your law. Please forgive my trespass when my willful heart wanders outside your will, and may that kindness lead me to repent and return to your care.