Daily Devotion - May 22, 2024

daily devotion May 22, 2024

You have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. (Col. 3:3-4)

When all her older siblings had left home, my youngest daughter only had me to play with at the dinner table. One of our favorite games was “napkin war.” 

We would wait until the meal was mostly done. Then, one of us would ball up the paper napkin in our lap, wait for the other person to get distracted, and hurl the paper missile at the other’s head. 

 Then, the war of the flying napkins was on – a war that I always won because I have a better aim than my daughter. But, whenever she began to lose, she knew exactly what to do. She would get up from her chair and hide behind her mother. Because I wouldn't throw at her mother, my child was safe. 

The game reveals and contrasts the grace of our Heavenly Father. He could have hurled his wrath upon sinners, but instead he poured it out on his Son. Now, when we are hidden in Christ, there is no wrath that touches us. We are safe. 

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I know that my life is hidden with Christ. As I am tempted by the assaults of guilt and doubt, please help me to remember that I am safe in your love because of your assurance that he took the wrath I deserved.