Daily Devotion - May 11, 2023

daily devotion May 11, 2023

Being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name. (Phil. 2:8-11)


In 1987, Northwest Airlines flight 255 crashed just after take-off. One hundred fifty-six people died while only one survived — a four-year-old named Cecilia. At first, rescuers did not believe she had been on the plane but in a car onto which the plane crashed. 

But as investigators pieced together details, they confirmed Cecilia’s presence on the plane and discerned her mother’s heroic care.

Cecilia survived because, as the plane was falling from the sky, her mother got down on her knees in front of her child’s seat, covered the little girl, and refused to let go. Nothing could separate the girl from her mother’s love – not height or depth, nor life or death. Such is the love of our Savior for us.

Jesus left his place in heaven, lowered himself to us, and saved us by the covering sacrifice of his own body. Jesus would not let go of us no matter how great the danger to him. Our assurance of Jesus’ sacrificial, inseparable, and undying love inspires our love for him, and stirs our hearts to honor him.  


Prayer: Lord, help me today to experience the assurance of knowing that the One who came from heaven to cover me with his love, will never let me go!