Daily Devotion - June 22, 2023

daily devotion Jun 22, 2023

Flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart. (2 Tim. 2:22) 


The air war over Bosnia in the late 1990s made Scott O’Grady famous. For days, the downed American flier had evaded capture in enemy territory. 

When the rescue helicopter finally landed in the clearing near where O’Grady was hiding, he didn’t hesitate. He shook off his fatigue, prepared his weapons, split the bushes, and with all the strength he could muster, ran to his rescue.

His actions parallel those of believers who engage in the spiritual warfare of this world. We should not assume that, because God promises to provide a way out of temptation, we can just relax with nothing to do. God expects us to use every weapon of his provision to fight our spiritual opposition and claim the rescue he promises.

As long as you’re in this world, you are spiritually in enemy territory. So, run to the rescue God provides by diligently employing every resource of Scripture, prayer, godly counsel, and spiritual resolve that is yours by Christ’s grace!


Prayer: Lord, I know that I live in enemy territory and face many temptations. Please help me not to use the promises of your mercy to be lax about sin’s threats. Instead, help me use the spiritual resources graciously provided for my rescue!